

  • March 02, 2020

Lent Week 1 - Father, through our observance of Lent, help us to understand the meaning of your Son’s death and resurrection and teach us to reflect it in our lives.”

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  • February 25, 2020

Confirmation for the Parish Schools

Confirmation for the Parish Schools will take place on Saturday February 29th at 10.30 am. Because of the early times for the Confirmation Mass there will be no 10 am Mass or adoration

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  • February 17, 2020


Wisdom is one the themes of today’s readings.  Responsible individuality is to have the wisdom to think for yourself and not to allow others to lead you astray. Responsible individuality is to have the courage to stand out from the crowd and to do the right thing even when everybody else, is doing the wrong thing.

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  • February 10, 2020

Soon we will be recruiting for volunteers to help with the following roles within the church: -

Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and other Parish Ministries.

Watch this space for further details.

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  • February 03, 2020

The Word of God

The word of God is something alive and active." Hebrews 4.12

Pope Francis has requested that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time each year is dedicated to the celebration of the Word of God. This reminds us of the beauty and the importance of the Word of God both in the Bible and in the readings at Mass.


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  • January 20, 2020

Pope declares special Sunday each year dedicated to word of God

To help the Church grow in love and faithful witness to God, Pope Francis has declared the third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sunday 19th January) to be dedicated to the word of God.

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  • January 13, 2020

12th January - Today we celebrate the feast day of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.

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