

  • April 04, 2020

Lent Week 6 - Short reflection

The passion and death of Jesus has a message for our own lives. It teaches us that, like Jesus, we can give as much to others in times of weakness as in times of strength. We too can reveal God's love to others as much in times of enforced passivity as in times of activity.

In these days of enforced passivity how am I showing love?

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Church Closure

  • March 29, 2020

Due to the current Coronavirus (Covid19) outbreak we regret to inform you that the Cathedral will remain closed for the foreseeable future.   We have made this decision in the best interest of all our parishioners and visitors.  We will continue to celebrate mass behind closed doors (no congregation) Monday - Friday at 5.45pm,  Saturday (Vigil Mass) at 6pm and Sunday's at 10.30am and 12 noon. These can be viewed via our webcam.

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  • March 27, 2020

 Sunday 29th March 2020

 Lent  Week 5 -  Story from Our Community:
In Mid-February my husband passed away. Ten days later, his sister passed. Grieving has been chipping away for several years as I cared for and watched them suffer. I did not anticipate that grief would arrive with a new face via the coronavirus. For now, I take comfort in the words of

 Henri Nouwen: Hope frees us to live in the present, with the deep trust that God will never leave us.” I think what God is asking of me is to trust and take one day at a time. Not always easy, but there it is.  A. Byrne 

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Parish Office

  • March 25, 2020

Please be advised that the Parish Office is now closed until 19th April.

Should you have any enquiries please contact us via email at

Thank you for your co-operation.

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  • March 20, 2020

Lent  Week 4  - Bright sadness is the true message and gift of Lent.  Little by little we begin to understand or rather to feel, that the sadness of Lent is indeed “bright”, that a mysterious transformation is about to take place in us.  It is as if we were reaching a place to which the noises and the fuss of life, of the street, of all that which usually fills our days and even nights, have no access – a place where they have no power.  All that which seemed so tremendously important to us as to fill our mind, that state of anxiety which has virtually become our second nature, disappear somewhere and we begin to feel free, light and happy.  It is not the noisy and superficial happiness which comes and goes twenty times a day and is so fragile and fugitive; it is a deep happiness which comes not from single and particular reason but from our soul having, in the words of Dostoyevsky, touched “another world”.  And that which it has touched is made up of light and peace and joy, of an inexpressible trust.

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