

  • June 25, 2021

Month of the Sacred Heart

The Month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart.

the Heart of Christ must be recognised as the heart of the Church

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  • June 18, 2021

Let us not be afraid of what is being asked of us. Let us not be paralysed by our fear. Instead, let the words of Pope Francis encourage us, ‘go out again and again, without fear and proclaim the good news which is for all people’.

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Prayer Service

  • June 09, 2021

Wednedsay 9th June Private Prayer Service 3pm - 4pm for Religious of Diocese of Limerick.

Please join with us online .

Sr Sarah Hogan.

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  • June 05, 2021

On this feast of Corpus Christi we celebrate the sacrament of Eucharist, given to us by Jesus on the night before his death. 

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  • May 22, 2021

‘The Spirit makes all things, the Spirit is never old, the Spirit is always young.’

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22 of 41 total pages