

This week, may we be more aware that God is in the bits and pieces of our ordinary daily lives. May we love God with all our heart, soul and mind. May we love our neighbours as we love ourselves.

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World Mission Sunday 18th October

Together through World Mission Sunday we are helping the Church to grow and flourish. Together we are mission. Attached is a letter received from Bishop Larry Duffy, Bishop of Clogher, Episcopal Member of the National Mission Council.


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“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto

God the things which are God’s”. One would like to add: Give

Unto man things which are man’s: give man his Freedom and

Personality, his Rights and Religion.            Pope Pius XII


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All Masses have moved on line.

The Church is open for Private Prayer.

Mon - Sat 11am  - 3pm. Closed Sunday.

Keep Safe

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Mass Schedule in line with new Government Guidelines COVID-19

In compliance with new Government Guidelines COVID-19 which have come into effect as and from today all Masses have now been moved on-line

The public can no longer attend masses but can view on-line at the following times:      Monday – Friday 10am & 5.45pm

                Saturday 10am & 6pm (vigil)

                Sunday 10.30am, 12 noon & 7pm

The Church will be open for private prayer only.

Monday  –  Saturday 11am – 3pm.   Closed Sunday.

Gift Shop will remain open from 11am to 1pm Monday to Saturday.

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Prayer Service

 Online Prayer Service 7th October

@ 3pm

Today at 3 pm Sr Betty Baker will lead an online Prayer Service here in the Cathedral for the conclusion of the Season of Creation and for Religious Life. This prayer service is not open to the public, but can be viewed on   

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  • October 04, 2020

As we conclude this Season of Creation, we ask you Lord to grant us courage to observe a Sabbath for our planet. Teach us to be satisfied with enough. And as we proclaim a Jubilee for the Earth, send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of creation.

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